
Offering therapy and wellness services for adults and late-adolescents in and around Salida, Colorado

Valtina Health and Wellness Individual Therapy Sessions Salida Buena Vista Chaffee County
Valtina Health and Wellness Individual Therapy Sessions Salida Buena Vista Chaffee County

Individual Therapy

We work with a range of client’s that present a variety of unique circumstances. We provide an array of services to meet your unique needs. We have experience working with people dealing with trauma, depression, anxiety, grief, eating disorders and relationship challenges.

We will begin with a phone consultation during which we will discuss your specific areas of concern as well as assess if we are the right client/therapist fit. From here, we will be able to create your personalized treatment plan and discuss how it can best work into your day-to-day life.

Online appointments available via secure online video platform

Specializes in perinatal mental health, LGBTQIA+, trauma, life transitions

Treatment Types include Internal Family Systems, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Dialectical Behavior Therapy, Process Oriented Therapy, Mindfulness-Based Therapy

Mindfulness and Reiki

Mindfulness is a mental state achieved by focusing one’s awareness on what is happening on the inside while change is happening around us. This is practiced by becoming aware of our “Unique self” and noticing how it differs from our body, our mind, our thoughts. It is here we begin to take back our “power” – our ability to make decisions consciously rather than conditionally.

Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is administered by “Focused attention” (NO touch/hands-on is required) and is based on Chi, Ra, Prana etc., a “life force energy” that flows through us and is what creates life. If one’s “life force energy” is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, and if it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy.

Sessions can include a mixture of Mindfulness and Reiki or Reiki only.

Available in a group or individual setting

Reduce stress and anxiety

Valtina Health and Wellness Reiki Training Salida Buena Vista Chaffee County Male Sitting Meditating
Valtina Health and Wellness Reiki Mindfulness Private Sessions - persons feet walking through the park

Outdoor Reiki

Outdoor Reiki allows us to use nature and movement to enhance the energy received during Reiki.  Practicing Reiki by the river enhances the energy because water is a great  channeler of energy.  Reiki while walking promotes a new way to experience the flow of energy.  Reiki in fresh air promotes a deeper cleansing of the physical self.  Outdoor Reiki is also a great way to practice taking the enhanced energy received in traditional Reiki and applying it to movement.  We can become more aware of our body inbalences, stiffness and awarenesses of how to start to correct them.

Sessions can include a mixture of Mindfulness and Reiki or Reiki only.  

Allow nature to enhance your expierence.

Bring a new awareness to movement.

Couples Reiki

Couples Reiki provides all the benefits of an individual Reiki session while promoting a deeper, stronger connection between the participants.  Couples are not limited to romantic partners.  Parent/child, friends, teammates,  co-workers, etc…

Sessions can include a mixture of Mindfulness and Reiki or Reiki only.

Build deeper, stronger connections.

Receive individual and shared awarenesses.

Valtina Health and Wellness Reiki Mindfulness Private Sessions - hands touching by the fingertips
Valtina Health and Wellness Salida and Chaffee County Colorado - the seven chakras

Reiki Training

Reiki is not taught in the way other healing techniques are taught. The ability to learn Reiki is not dependent on intellectual capacity, nor does one have to be able to meditate. It does not take years of practice. Reiki Energy is simply unlocked by the student with the help of a Reiki Master during an attunement process. This process opens the crown, heart, and palm chakras and creates a special link between the student and the Reiki source. As soon as this happens, one has and can do Reiki. Because of this, it is easily learned by anyone.

Reiki I and Reiki II are combined into a two day Session. Reiki I is achieved by the end of the first day and Level II is achieved by the end of the second day.

Reiki Master Practitioner Training is a three day course. (*Prerequisite is Reiki I and Reiki II)

*Doesn’t need to be Usui/Holy Fire® III Reiki I and II)

Trainings are a mix of written material, powerpoint presentations, healing meditations and placements.

Light snacks and beverages are provided. Lunch will be on your own.

All Reiki trainings are: Usui/Holy Fire® III
Reiki I training enables participants to administer Reiki Energy to themselves
Reiki II training enhances what is learned in Level I in addition to allowing participants to administer Reiki Energy to others. Participants receive their first Reiki Symbols.
Reiki Master Practitioner Training enhances Reiki received in Level I and II. In addition participants receive their second set of Symbols. Reiki Masters have the ability to teach Reiki Level I and II and Reiki Master classes.

Lactation Counseling

Meet with our Therapist Renee, who is also a Certified Lactation Counselor. Get assistance addressing any specific chestfeeding questions, and receive evidence-based education. We are here to help preserve the longevity of your chestfeeding goals, whatever they may be for you.

Lactation education before and after birth

Learn the proven health benefits for both the birth parent and baby

Latch assessment and recommendations for an optimal breastfeeding experience

Pre-term Birth Lactation Strategies

Assess current milk intake vs needs to meet your doctor’s weight objectives


Get in Touch

Online Sessions Available

233 E 2nd Street, Salida, CO 81201